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The response of the Director of the EnergaCAMERIMAGE Festival, Marek Żydowicz, to the open letter from the British Society of Cinematographers

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  3. the response of the director of the energacamerimage festival marek zydowicz to the open letter from the british society of cinematographers

We present the response of the Director of the EnergaCAMERIMAGE Festival, Marek Żydowicz, to the open letter from the British Society of Cinematographers.

Most Esteemed BSC,

EnergaCAMERIMAGE has always supported, continues to support, and will keep supporting marginalized filmmakers. This won't change. With that commitment in mind I created this festival in the 90s, dedicating my entire professional life to it.

I truly believe that the accusations made against me in the statement published on BSC website are entirely misplaced and quite offensive. If these accusations were indeed true, this festival would simply no longer exist. Respect for others has always been my priority, and it remains one for our festival as well.

For some time now, we have been in talks with "Women in Cinematography" about our collaboration and the ways we could work together on helping the festival grow. Together, we have crafted a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which we were planning to publish shortly. I enclose it to this message, as it seems necessary to me to bring this up now rather than wait until next week, as we've initially planned. My previous comments were in direct response to opinions expressed about the pressing need to increase the number of films made by female filmmakers in the competitive sections of our festival. We have always strived to showcase only the best of contemporary cinema, regardless of who creates it. And that is how my statement should be understood, there is nothing more to it, it has nothing to do with lack of respect for women. My statement referred solely to our selection criteria at the festival and those come down to artistic value. There is nothing in my statement, neither in my opinion nor in the opinion of our entire team, consisting mostly of women, that could merit its negative reception.

I am very sorry that BSC misinterpreted my comments. Please, do not look for an enemy in a friend who differs only in trying to uphold priority on artistic values. Maintaining respect for all filmmakers, regardless of their gender, is an entirely different matter.

I truly believe this situation to be a misunderstanding.

I will reiterate what I said in the interview: "In fighting against exclusion, we should not unjustly exclude ourselves." We must remain honest, both artistically and personally. I respect women's rights and stand with them in their fight for their due recognition and rightful place in the film industry.

Please take a look at our this year's program. We are holding four panels in collaboration with Women in Cinematography. We are also assisting Women in Cinematography in the organization of their own meeting at EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2024, providing our infrastructure and staff for their use. On our own initiative, we have also prepared additional events led by women and focused on women, including a film section celebrating brave women. Within our capacity, the festival will continue to support all efforts that can improve the status of women in the film industry.

Please refrain from using derogatory terms when referring to me, as it does not contribute to a collaborative partnership.

I sincerely hope you will publish my response and the attached policy, and that the coming festival will be a chance for you to see that the reasoning behind your appeal was grounded in misunderstanding.

With kindest regards to all BSC members.
I hope to see you soon in Toruń.

Marek Żydowicz
Director and CEO
EnergaCAMERIMAGE Film Festival

Here you can download EnergaCAMERIMAGE Diversity and Inclusion Policy

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