Can a single meeting change the course of a novice filmmaker’s career? It surely can! As a beginner filmmaker with a head full of ideas sometimes you need that one advice, that push in the right direction. Talent Demo will get you there!
What is Talent Demo?
Talent Demo is an educational event tailored especially for students and aspiring filmmakers. Each year a chosen group of participants have a chance to meet with acknowledged experts – cinematographers, directors, editors, talent agents and producers.
How does it work?
This initiative aims to enable young filmmakers to discuss their ongoing projects with world class film professionals. The program is addressed primarily to students of film and art schools as well as independent filmmakers who will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to present their projects to film industry experts: cinematographers, directors, producers, distributors, talent agents, among others.
Talent Demo participants will be selected based on their applications. Those invited to the program will have an opportunity to present their projects to industry professionals and discuss the further direction of their projects as well as their career path with experts who match their needs the most.
What will the meetings look like?
The meetings will be held in the traditional, in-person form of consultation. We would like the participants of the program to get the most out of the face-to-face meeting with experts from around the world, on site in Toruń.

How to apply?
It is really simple! All you have to do is to log in at and fill out the application form where you will be asked to answer just a few simple questions regarding your experience and the project. The selection of participants is based on the application forms. Application fee is 150 PLN (approx. 32 EUR).
Who are the experts?
Last year, our Talent Demo board of experts was composed of the following acclaimed industry professionals:

What do the previous participant say?
"One of the things that makes this festival so unique is the feeling that everyone is equal within it. No matter the status or fame of the person attending Camerimage we are all filmmakers drawn to this festival through our passion for the craft. Filmmaking is a collaborative effort and the generosity of Mr. Heim and his colleagues were imperative to bring Catch to its completion.”
– Jeremy Glahold, Talent Demo 2012 participant
“It has been for me a great experience Camerimage and Talent Demo, I learned many things and this great opportunity opened my mind to new experiences and the advisory program was very good. Sharing with filmmakers from around the world pushes me to keep going and not give up on the long road to complete a film, the philosophy of the festival is very important: I felt a brotherhood among filmmakers, which is very important to create a global community, especially in these times when the world is torn between borders and cultural differences.”
– Arturo Almanza, Talent Demo 2015 participant
Please direct all inquiries to Zofia Sztandarska at