In the midst of political turmoil, a young woman undergoes a miscarriage in her Beirut apartment. As her despair and pain become overwhelming, she enters a surreal realm that allows her to accept what her body could not cope with and regain hope in nature’s cyclical ways.
- Main Competition
- Polish Films Competition
- Directors' Debuts Competition
- Cinematographers' Debuts Competition
- Cinematographers' Debuts Competition, Directors' Debuts Competition
- Documentary Features Competition
- Documentary Shorts Competition
- Film And Art School Etudes Competition
- Music Videos Competition
- TV Series Competition
- Special Screening
- Documentary Special Screening
- Contemporary World Cinema
- Copernicus - Scientists - Explorers - Dreamers
- Picturing the World for 75 Years. Lodz Film School Anniversary
- 100 Years of Disney Animation: A Shorts Celebration
- Panorama Etiud Studenckich Szkół Filmowych i Artystycznych
- Krzysztof Zanussi Retrospective
- Wojciech Jerzy Has Retrospective
- Peter Zeitlinger and Werner Herzog Retrospective
- Quay Brothers Retrospective
- Peter Biziou Retrospective
An Interior Body
Interior Body, An
Film And Art School Etudes Competition
Cinematographer: Liz Charky
Director: Liz Charky, Gus Reed
Producer: Simone Kirlew, Will Rodbell
Writer: Liz Charky
Editor: Christine Ho
School: American Film Institute Conservatory
Year: 2022
Country: USA
Time: 4